Planting Your Garden: A Step-by-Step Guide
Creating a thriving garden involves more than just sowing seeds; it requires planning and consideration of how plants interact with each other and their environment. Here’s how to get started
Step 1: Prepare Your Soil
Before planting, make sure your soil is well-prepared as discussed in our soil sheet—rich in nutrients and well-drained. If you've used our in-house soil testing service, adjust your soil according to the test results to create the optimal growing environment.
Step 2: Plan Your Garden
Companion Planting: This involves grouping plants together that benefit each other and also can repel pests and enhance flavour.
Succession Planning: A gardening technique where you stagger the planting of crops at regular intervals to ensure a continuous harvest throughout the growing season.
Crop Rotation: Avoid planting the same type of crops in the same location year after year. Rotating crops helps prevent soil depletion and reduces the build-up of pests and diseases.
Step 3: Plant Seeds and Seedlings
Timing: Refer to the local planting calendar to determine the best time to start your seeds indoors or directly sow them into the garden.
Sowing Seeds: Plant seeds at a depth approximately three times their diameter. For finer seeds, a light dusting of soil can cover them.
Planting Seedlings: Ensure seedlings are well-watered before planting. Dig a hole big enough to accommodate the entire root ball, place the seedling in gently, and fill the hole with soil. Firm the soil around the roots and water immediately to settle the soil.
Step 4: Watering and Maintenance
Watering: Water your new plantings gently but thoroughly to ensure the soil is moist. Continue to water regularly, keeping the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged.
Mulching: Apply a layer of organic mulch around your plants to help retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.
Step 5: Monitor and Adjust
Watch for Growth and Health: Keep an eye on your plants as they grow. Look for signs of nutrient deficiencies or pest attacks and address them promptly.
Thinning Seedlings: If you’ve sown seeds directly in the garden, thin seedlings to prevent overcrowding and promote strong growth. Choose the healthiest seedlings to keep.
Step 6: Continuous Care
Staking and Support: Some plants, like tomatoes and peas, will need support as they grow. Install stakes or trellises early to avoid disturbing the roots later.
Pruning and Deadheading: Regular pruning and deadheading of spent flowers will encourage plants to produce new growth and more blooms.
What is Companion Planting?
Companion planting involves strategically placing plants together that benefit each other in various ways, such as providing pest control, enhancing growth, or improving pollination. This method is based more on historical observations and anecdotal evidence than strict scientific research.
Benefits of Companion Planting
Natural Pest Control: Certain plants can repel unwanted insects or attract beneficial insects. For instance, marigolds emit a scent that deters pests like nematodes and tomato hornworms.
Improved Pollination: Planting flowers among vegetables can attract pollinators, enhancing fruit set in plants like cucumbers and squash.
Soil Health: Different plants contribute differently to soil health. Deep-rooted plants can help bring nutrients up to the surface for shallower-rooted companions.
See our Companion Planting Sheet for more details